Swords Are Cool, But Pens Can Draw More Than Blood

Welcome to my new blog.
I’ve always felt reticent to blog on my main website. I tried in the past, but it felt incongruous to mix news posts about comic business with exhaustive ramblings that have little to do with anything. At the same time, maintaining multiple websites is time-consuming and messy — the primary reason why, years ago, I consolidated all of my seperate comic archives onto one mega-site. Having all my comics on one site makes sense, though: they’re all the same type of content. Trying to archive unrelated blogs is another story.

So at the risk of making my main website too bloated, I made this one. To keep maintenance as painless as possible, I installed a simple, no-frills theme.

My main goal is to write about my creative process, my inspirations, my advice, my frustrations, and whatever else I need to get off my chest. This is an experimental work-in-progress for putting down my thoughts, however rambling and incohesive. I make no promises to update it regularly, frequently, or coherently.