Below is a selection of art I have made over the years for my various projects. Contains pieces ranging from my high school days until my most recent paintings.
Pencil sketch coloured digitally
Old watercolour of Rava.
Pencil sketch of Rava in crow form.
Old coloured pencil piece of Rava.
Sculpture of Fawna made with Sculpey clay.
Anor Character sheet
Scratch character sheet.
Photoshop painting of Rava
Photoshop painting of Rava
Old painting of Rava and Fawna.
Ashes Cover- Pencils
Pencil sketch of an ombra.
An old chibi of Rava with wings.
iPad sketch of Rava.
Old drawing of Kayla.
Pencil sketch of Scree.
Old Halloween painting.
Pencil sketch of Fawna and Flowerlark.
Scene from the prologue
Anor and Rava together
Old coloured pencil piece of Rava.
Very old painting of Rava
Old chibi of Tienar.
Pencil sketch
Concept sketches for Rava.
Old Rava plushie.
Winter 2009
Realism sketch of Anor
Holiday image of an ombra.
Old pencil sketch of Rava with wings.
Pencil Sketch for Halloween
Ashes Cover
Old drawing of Anor.
Old chibi of Rava.
Old painting of Fawna.
Old painting of animal cast as anthros.
Sketch of Rava.
Painting of Anor
Realistic painting of Rava.
Flying Lessons
Pendant of Fawna made with coloured pencils.
Halloween 2017
Old watercolour of Rava.
A T’akirou
Polymer Clay Kazu Sculpture
Old painting of Arra and Sleet as babies
Old sketch of Arra and Sleet as babies
Old concept sketch of Rennavel.
Pencil Sketch of Kira
A Wyvern
Painting of Seravinsari.
Old painting of Andrea.
Old painting of Andrea.
Rennavel Concept Sketches
Old painting of Seravinsari.
A Great Dragon
Old painting of Arra.
A Kurral
Old painting of Seravinsari.
Old volume cover for Eryl.
Old painting of Sleet.
Painting of Kira.
Macabre painting of Raven
Early concept of t’akirou.
Very old painting of Fianue
Pencil sketch of Sleet.
Old painting of Seravinsari.
Old concept of Seravinsari.
Old sketches of wyverns.
iPad painting of Kira & Kazu when they were young.
Pathfinders Kira Miniature
Old concept sketch of Rennavel.
Old pencil sketch of Fianue.
Minecraft-style Arra.
Fianue Concept Sketches
Old painting of Ilhet.
Painting of Kira.
Old painting of Naelyn.
Very old pencil sketch of Fianue.
Old concept sketched of Seravinsari.
Very old (never finished) coloured pencil piece of Fianue.
Old painting of Ka.
Old concept sketch of Rennavel.