Page 04-14
I’m probably going to be doing some major website overhauling soon. I’ve been neglecting site maintenance for too long. Ashes and the homepage sites will be upgraded and given a visual facelift. Epic Fail and Easily Amused, too, but Epic Fail probably won’t change too drastically in appearance. Eryl likewise needs some updates, but won’t get a full overhaul until the current chapter is concluded.
Also, if you guys spot any typos/ misspellings, be sure to let me know. Spellcheck is broken on my copy of Photoshop and I don’t always spot the missing words or punctuation errors.
So, I did manage to tear myself away from Pokémon ORAS for a few hours today to finish this page. Usually that is nearly impossible for me to accomplish when a new Pokémon game is in my hands, but I managed it because I’m feeling underwhelmed by it. I so psyched for this game. I usually LOVE the remakes, plus it’s of the game that got me into Pokémon to begin with?? What’s not to love?! But it’s not impressing me much. I honestly liked the original GBA versions better… Or maybe I got somewhat burnt out on the series by playing XY about 7 or 8 times since it was released last year.
Hey, lookie that! A pretty new page! That’s a lovely transition panel, I’m reminded of Animorphs a little bit. Okay, quite a bit.
And now the PlotTrain’s getting rolling in earnest, let’s see where it goes~!
I’m personally going at an extremely slow pace through AlphaSapphire because I just got an expansion to another game I’m addicted to and some of the changes are quite jarring (Mauville’s a giant super-mall now??) Not to mention that I’m already missing my team from Y and all the work I poured into getting so many Pokemon up to level 100 with the proper EV training and all that. Despite all that, I am having fun with it when I play! Loving having a special Poochyena/Mightyena off the bat with Fire Fang.
Yeeeaaah, Animorphs…. I was originally going to use silhouettes so it would look less like Animorphs but I just couldn’t get it to work. Art’s funny that way; it doesn’t always listen when you tell it what to do.
I’ve put ORAS down for now. I’ve determined that I’m just burnt out on Pokémon. After 8 playthroughs of XY, two playthroughs of FRLG, one of Blue and one of Emerald in the last year…. I may have Pokéd myself out for a while. So now I’ve started on Tales of Hearts and Harvest Moon: The Lost Valley. OHYEAH I’m supposed to be drawing and writing instead, aren’t I? WHOOPSIEDOODLE.